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Edited Books
How Can We Be Equals? Basic Equality: its Meaning, Explanation, and Scope. (co-edited with Nikolas Kirby) Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024.*

* Contributors: Richard Arneson, Teresa Bejan, Ian Carter, Thomas Christiano, Giacomo Floris, Agnieszka Jaworska, Nikolas Kirby, Eva Feder Kittay, Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Anne Phillips, Andrea Sangiovanni, George Sher, Julie Tannenbaum, and Jeremy Waldron.


Journal Articles

2024. "The Invisible Social Class: Relational Equality and Extreme Social Exclusion." Political Studies, online first, pp. 1-19.

[Open access]


2024. "What We Owe to Impaired Agents." Journal of Social Philosophy, online first, pp. 1-17.

[Open access]


2024. "The Idea of Equality in Environmental Ethics" (with Costanza Porro). Environmental Ethics 46(1), pp.149–169 

[Pre-print] [Published version]


2024. "What Does It Mean to Be Moral Equals? The Special Case of Children's Moral Status" (with Riccardo Spotorno). Social Theory and Practice 50(4): 1-22.

[Pre-print] [Published version]


2023. "Parental Love and Filial Equality" (with Riccardo Spotorno). Canadian Journal of Philosophy 53(3): 256-270.

[Open access]


2023. "Contingency, Arbitrariness, and the Basis of Moral Equality." Ratio 36(3): 224-234.

[Open access]


2023. "Are Adults and Children One Another's Moral Equals?" The Journal of Ethics 27(1): 31-50.

[Pre-print] [Published version]


​2021. "A Pluralist Account of the Basis of Moral Status." Philosophical Studies 178(6): 1859-1877.

[Open access]


2020. "Two Concerns about the Rejection of Social Cruelty as the Basis of Moral Equality" (with a reply by Prof. Andrea Sangiovanni). European Journal of Political Theory 19(3): 408-416. 

[Pre-print] [Published version]

2019. "On the Basis of Moral Equality: A Rejection of the Relation-First Approach." Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 22(1): 237-250. 

[Open access]


Book Chapters

2024. "The Basis of Children's Moral Equality." In How Can We Be Equals? Basic Equality: its Meaning, Explanation, and Scope, edited by G. Floris and N. Kirby, 241-260. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

[Pre-print]​ [Published version]


2024. "Basic Equality: An Analytical Introduction" (with Nikolas Kirby). In How Can We Be Equals? Basic Equality: its Meaning, Explanation, and Scope, edited by G. Floris and N. Kirby, 1-32. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

[Pre-print] [Published version]​


Book Reviews
2018. Review of Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Luck Egalitarianism, London: Bloomsbury 2016, Journal of Moral Philosophy, 15(4): 487-490.

[Pre-print] [Published version]


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